Friday, April 07, 2006


The preparations for the exams are slowly but surely gnawing into my soul. Its hard to keep sanity during this ultra stress period. The odd beer and game of footie in between to delude ourselves (actually, maybe its just myself) is the only thing worth looking forward to at the end of the day.

DIE LAH.....just 5 days left before the bi-annual, hair tearing, balls jamming, stomach crunching, sleep depriving event of the year. Bollocks to exams! Boo.

Walking into the hustle and bustle that is canteen A. Prakash and i headed straight for the library terminals. I could feel the stress and tension the minute we started printing our project. SMSes came in regarding another assignment that's due. Gah. Twas terrible.

Mintues later he returns from the prof's office looking extremely distraught. He said he was screamed at by his professor.

The Hairdryer treatment went something like this.....

Prof:Yes? (while typing away)
Prak: Sir I don't understand this this this (points to his report)
Prof: *irate* Hurh?!!!
Prak: Sir, I don't know what you want?
Prof: You can find out yourself!!! (escalating to shouting volume)
Prak:i really don't know what you want sir....
*Prof flies into a rage*
*Prak sobs*
prak:you dont have to shout at me what....

Well my friend was rather upset by all that table banging, bloodcurdling screaming and shouting in his tutor's office. If it was any other fella he would have beaten him to a pulp.

wait a minute....why not i say....why not....

What an explosive match up!!!

That's right. There you go Praky, Keith "Mr I pluck my eye-brows when no one's looking" Prakash, now you can go on to beat your Prof up!

I was told not to reveal the name of the prof several times by the mr macho wrestler in the pic.....basket.....the panzy praky don't wanna get into there you go buddy. Cheer up man. We've got more studying to do tomorrow. HaHa!

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