Monday, September 17, 2007

Hey boys and girls,

I know this has taken forever but its finally here. The photos from our outing in march! Or was it April. Yes. It has taken forever but its here.

West Coast Park April 1st
Okay, let me just say my bit about my Sunday School class. (If you're from my class and you're reading this just take note yeah?) Since January I've joined Uncle Ben's class to sit in and stuff. I'm supposed to be the advocate for the youths joining our church's youth fellowship. That is to say I'm supposed to sell ko yo and try to get these Sec 2 students to join YF. I did my share of "advertising" but I think I've gotten more out of this class than i would have imagined. Its a real humbling experience and I am still learning how best to teach them. Well, fact is I'd be as stoned out as you guys in class if I was your age sitting in. I think I've had 6 to 7 lessons with this class and I have tried ways and means to try my best in getting the class to be as interactive and as engaging as I possibly can. I've pulled up all my tricks and all my qian bian wen da ti in a bid to make the class less dowry.
For example:
1) The Lion's path (disclaimer: Just a logic puzzle. No implication on where you go when you die what-so-ever k)

On the day you die, you go up to this smokey place. As wander beyond the smoke, you see these two stone lions. Each mystical lion guards the path behind him. These two lions look and sound identical, just that one lion always tells a lie and one lion always tells the truth. Behind each of the lion is a path. One path leads to heaven, one path leads to hell. You can only ask one question to each of the two lions and it must be the exact same question. So what will the question be?

2)Qn: If Bruce Lee were still alive and happened to be having a vacation in Singapore, where would he be staying

Ans: The Grand Ha-eyyyyy-yat

Ah well, when the novelty of these GEMS (yes, I absolutely adore 'em qian bians and logic questions) fade off, what are you gonna be teaching? What are you gonna say to 14 pairs of eyes just waiting on you to tell them something. Gee.... You would think I have an answer, well actually I'm still finding that out for myself.
Ever since I dropped Sunday soccer with my mates and started sitting in uncle Ben's class, I have begun to know what it is like to serve in a ministry. It is really a very very very humbling experiencing and the few times I've taught the class I have learnt to rely on God's strength and guidance as oppose to mine
I try my best to teach them the truth about God, as limited as my knowledge of the bible goes, and I try my best to empathize with them (you guys) and think about what its like growing up. How it was like studying, schooling, getting teased, being bullied, bullying, being emo, being very emo, hating the way you look, being so conscious about everything (hair, how you wear you uniform, how to have a decent looking bag). I am trying my utmost to bring that in. I always try to tell me class that the chief purpose of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever, but I guess and know you've got to learn this the hard way.
I'm not gonna be in this class for long, next year I'll have my own group of secondary ones to contend with. I know there are those of you in class who don't think its cool to come to class and that they Sunday School teacher yaks and yaks away. I would have done what you some of you guys did to be honest when I was your age. I don't know if it was your utmost gripe or reason for being disgruntled, but the thing I was struggling most with when I was a teenager was that no one understood me. I was always wallowing in self pity and I didn't like myself. Looking back, I didn't want to be understood, i wanted to implode. But please do remember that its not that nobody cares, its just that you'll have to give everything a chance. Your parents, your friends, you life, your God....

Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty John 6:35

My prayer for each and everyone of you peeps in my class is that you learn to walk close to Him. Love you guys. Cheers.

P.S. if you want more of those pics, email me at

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

In camp training no. 5

Venue: Hendon camp, Tekong, Wild Wild Wet
Duration: July 16 - July 27th

Ict has indeed been fun. Carrying that wonderful 12 kg machine gun (that's right...the real McCoy...the one you think its all so cool to carry in Counterstrike you video-gaming pariahs) for mission really saps you of all your resolve. Ugh. All those moments of walking through the semmingly endless trails of jungle came flooding back, with the "yoke of slavery" strapped around my back.

Its kinda surreal to see that everyone's kinda move on with their careers at this point in each of our lives. We've (most of us) progressed from waiting for A' results to trying to carve out a career. Lots of my mates driving their spanking new rides into camp.

Anyhows, its great horsing around with the usual suspects. Heaps of fun and also heaps of "army-ish" moments when you feel like yourself running the clock down. It all ended with a rather "gay" outprocessing. We were told to finish our reservist training with a compulsory outprocessing procedure at (wait for it.....) WILD WILD WET. Nonetheless it was great fun though a bit too school boyish at times. Never again will i "wild wild wet " with a group of guys again... ahhaha

Detachment 6

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Me in my sunday best (terrence looking blur like sotong)

Baptism Sunday

I woke up this morning feeling like its any other morning. But somehow in the back of my head I knew it was gonna be different. I went to the kitchen to have breakfast with my parents and my dad would be doing his typical "ding ding ding" stir of coffee, my mom would be be toasting or preparing some food. I ate and didnt say much and just savoured the moment at the breakfast table. I had a quick look into the papers and went back into my room. Then it just dawned on me what was about to happen today. The magnitude of the moment had hit me there and then. I was gonna go to church with my parents and attend a full service with my family. *GASP* I paused, took a moment and thought about it all. It had been my prayer since I attended Glory. I always look at my peers, how their parents would drive them to chruch and they'd be worshipping together. Since then, it had always been sort of like a dream to have that happen. But today it sort of did.

I had always been apprehensive about baptism. I would always look at people with a mix sort of envy and disdain. I would think to myself, "hey, shouldnt you get baptised and join in?" and at the same time think "ah whatever, not important". I remember 6 years ago when i was seated next to my mom whilst my sister was going through her baptism ceremony. My mom was silent throughout the service and had a really long face. And as if it wasnt dire enough, she had added the coup de grace that was to scar me and haunt me for a real long time. She stared at me and said in the most sardonic, sacarstic and cynical tone possible. "Very good lah....Now your sister is baptised".
My heart still sinks a little whenever i thought about it.
It took all of 10 years for my family to move from my home to their first christmas service. It took all of 11 years for my family to attend their first service, albeit it being my baptism (i'll gladly take that, thank you). It took 6 years (since mich got baptised), for me to muster enough courage to go for baptism (that includes inviting my parents to the service). But most importantly, it took me all of eternity (10 years as well) to realise the importance of a close relationship with God. (or it'd be all a futile attempt) I drove us to the back of the church and I lead my family into the church. I greeted everyone i knew along the way with a smile. But really, I was breeming in my heart. Was so so so elated.

Upon entering the chapel I promptly looked for a row of seats for my family. I was abruptly ushered to the front row as all baptism candidates were supposed to be. I began recalling all those early days of going to youth camp in defiance. And all the events that ensued that brought so much tears. I was thinking about all that and at the same time looking back at my family sitting there.When i snapped out of it, I remember singing the song He is worthy. And how apt. He is indeed worthy of all praise. All those years of hurt and pain. All those days and days and days of prayer by my bedside just crying out, asking that my parents would just turn up even if it is for that one time. He answered my prayer (and the prayers of all those who prayed for me) with a "YES! There you go"

(ok getting too emo + gonna have to book in an in! will have to add details + testimony at another time)

The ceremony

The Goh family at Glory Prebyterian Church

My testimony

I grew up in a family where worshiping idols and ancestors was the norm. As a child, I just followed my parents' orders in obedience and often feared offending the “spirits and deities”. There were occasions when I recalled asking for an explanation as to why we had to do so but was never given a proper one.

I have an elder sister and a younger brother and always thought that there was something wrong with being a middle child. Growing up, I didn't have many friends and was always trying to join my brother and sister. But I was often rejected and didn't quite fit in. I remember an instance when my sister and her friends would lock themselves in the room and I would be crying and banging the door begging for them to let me in.

The theme of low self-esteem was to plague me throughout school. In primary school, I was often rejected when project groups were being formed. In secondary school, I was always tried to be popular and fit in but to no avail. My peers didn't like me and neither did I.
It was during my early teenage years that I sought the meaning of life and existence. I told my parents that I was going to find out for myself what life meant and they told me to consider Buddhism and Taoism. I didn't find out much about the two religions and often found the rituals empty. But deep down inside I wanted to find out about God. Even before deciding on choosing Christ as my Lord and saviour, God had already left the good news in my heart. I had already heard the gospel then through the sharing of my vice-principal in primary school. That left an impression of who Jesus Christ was.

It was from the thing that I dreaded most that God called for me. I was poor in Chinese and needed tuition classes to improve my results. I dreaded going for Chinese lessons as I didn't like the subject and was not good at it. But it was through my tutor's sharing that I came to know who Jesus was. Through her sharing, I understood that we were all sinners and God had died on the cross to save us from sin. And the analogy put across to me was that life was like a candle, God lights your candle, you burn for Him and continue to light others. I was really touched by that and accepted Christ as my personal saviour in my life during one of a Good Friday service at that period of time.
Then, my sister was already attending Glory church and asked me along with her. It was in those years while attending youth fellowship at the church that I found out more about Christ and His teachings. I faced some resistance from my parents when I first came to know the Lord. It was through having a relationship with Christ that my confidence grew. “I can do everything through God who gives me strength.” (Philipians 4:13 )

After a few years, I wasn't really very serious about my faith and grew lukewarm in my walk with God during my army days. I would go through the motion of coming to church, having lunch and then return home. I would join several programs that the church organized but that didn't change anything. I received God as my saviour but not as my Lord. I was the master of my own domain and struggled in school as well. This went on for years.

It was only upon joining bible study fellowship and a discipleship course that I began to study God's word with more intent. Through those two events, I found out what it was like to have a personal relationship with God. Even though I had accepted Christ as my saviour earlier in my life, it was only then that I began to acknowledge Him as the Lord of my life.

I finally saw the importance of centering your life about God and allowed Him to be the Lord of my life. Since then, it has become much clearer to me what being a follower of Christ is like. “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matt 6:33

I am no longer struggling as the master of my domain but have instead, found real purpose in seeking God. Be it at work, at play, in relationship with others or at serving in God's ministries, God has been a source of inspiration and strength.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Do Not Just Simply Add Someone To Your MSN!

Yes yes. Laugh it up all you peeps want, I guess the only reason I'm putting this up (alebit at my expense) is for you guys to gasp/laugh/chuckle over. Hai..... Why must these nonsense happen to me?

Oh man just chceck out the pic. I wanna puke everytime i think of it. I'm a victim loh.

Michaelarkangyal says:
heelo dear baby

murphy says:
who;s this ah?

Michaelarkangyal says:
i am from budaőest hungary

Michaelarkangyal says:
and where are u from?

murphy says:
ok..this is weird

murphy says:
if u 're not telling me who u are i'm gonna block u k

Michaelarkangyal says:
hi i am lee bear

Michaelarkangyal says:
and u?

murphy says:
seriously...u're not someone i know right?

Michaelarkangyal says:
i thik we are from hairy turks?

murphy says:
last chance ...

Michaelarkangyal says:
wicch is ur nik on hairyturks?

murphy says:
are u from church or ntu or work

Murphy says:
if not

murphy says:
i'm gonna blcok u

Michaelarkangyal says:

murphy says:'s it...this is getting too weird\

Michaelarkangyal says:

murphy says:

murphy says:
i'm not

murphy says:
u got the work person

Michaelarkangyal says:

murphy says:
i aint no heairy bear

Michaelarkangyal says:

murphy says:

Michaelarkangyal says:

murphy says:
someone pulled a fast one on me

murphy says:
i'm sorry

murphy says:

Michaelarkangyal says:

murphy says:
i dunno

Michaelarkangyal says:

murphy says:
i'm an analyst in singapore

murphy says:
so ...i guess not

Michaelarkangyal says:

Michaelarkangyal says:

Michaelarkangyal says:

Michaelarkangyal says:

murphy says:
okok...nice day

murphy says:

Michaelarkangyal says:

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Its been so immensely long since i last wrote an entry. A combination of procrastination and seeing a lack of need to had gotten the better of this space dying. But hey! here it is again. Quick post lah. Just put up some nice photos over teh past.....erm...half a year or so?

In no particular order....

The face that was to be the launchpad of many interview appointments. pssst....whisper it ...some say look like Alan Wu...ahahha!!

Christmas 2006

Again, too lazy, will write again soon. Laters